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current projects

Donate to victims of the Camp Fire in Paradise, CA

Let's help the families who have lost everything.

We are a 100% volunteer nonprofit organization. Since the Camp Fire started we have been raising funds and directly assisting survivors of the Butte Camp Fire. We are grateful for our donors and North Valley Community Foundation, who have all trusted us with distributing much needed funds directly to those in need. Our goal since the beginning has always been to help survivors in tangible ways, taking into account their unique situation. Please visit our News page to read more about the work we are doing to assist Camp Fire survivors.

For a breakdown of how we distributed our grant funds please visit:

If you are interested in donating to please indicate on your donation form that you want your donation to go to Camp Fire Victims and 100% of your (tax deductible) monetary donations will be donated directly to victims of the Camp Fire in Paradise, CA.


Reach out with any questions! Donate here! Share!




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